Overview of the Residential Care Services
St. Patrick’s is a residential setup for boys aged eight years and older who need an alternative care due to various personal or social circumstances. Through a person centered approach the youngsters in our care are accompanied for a period of time until they are either re-integrated in their family of origin or helped to live independently.
Young people in care live in one of the five houses in tas-Sliema or in ħal-Balzan. Study, work, prayer, recreation and other day-to-day chores that would take place in a family, make the house a true home. Accordingly, care team members do their best to build an authentic family spirit.
A youngster who lives at St. Patrick’s is accompanied by a Residential Social Worker or by a Youth Worker as well as by a team of Social Support Workers whom he meets practically every single day. With genuine interest and concern they help and support him to face difficulties and courageously take challenges in his stride. The Residential Social Worker or the Youth Worker ensures that the young lad keeps regular contact with his family of origin and/or other social contacts. When safety is an issue, the leading principle is to take all decisions in communication with the team that has as its main aim the best interest of the child.
Every house has all the facilities and environment necessary to gear up youngsters in care to become independent. In a house there are six boys of different ages who are daily accompanied and taken care of by a team of social support workers that is led by a House Leader. In their daily program the boys study, cook, wash their clothes, and participate in various activities (e.g. karate, football, drama etc.). In their respective schools the boys are encouraged to work and study diligently in order for them to achieve and realize their dreams. Once they finish secondary schooling they are either introduced to work or else led to advance in their studies in a post-secondary college.
Due to the individualised approach taken at St. Patrick’s, the duration of a placement at St Patrick’s will vary according to the needs of the particular child . The Individual Care Plan will determine the duration and outcome of the placement, determined on a one to one basis, aiming at helping the young person to either be rehabilitated to his natural or foster family or move to semi and/or independent living. The resident boy who still falls under obligatory schooling age, attends or continues to attend a school which reflects best his abilities, previous social contacts, etc. A resident boy’s schooling shall be determined according to his best interest.